Saturday, December 31, 2011

It doesnt feel like a year.

It doesnt feel like its been a year.

it . . . it went by to quickly

and nothing happened.

there was....
nothign to say was great.

nothing to say was horrible.

nothing to remeber.

i fucking hate New Years(+eve)

because its not great for me.
i reflect back on the fact NOTHING happened.


Lovely bones, File on Angelyn Stark

Lovely Bones
    I waaaay prefer the book. Mainly because the movie stopped like... half way through.
And the way guy died actually had meaning. And it explains the family better. And Susie doesnt just KISS the guy. She. . . well. read the book.  And it went on ... so much longer! and it truly expresses the Rapist well.Especially so since you think the writer would be much more biased towards his character, seeing as how she was raped. And believe me, I dont think rape is good, But i do think its good to accurately represent certain psychological things. And the book did this. It explains the guy tried to stop himself by killing animals.
For these reasons I say the book was sooo much better.

The File on Angelyn Stark
     was actually a lot better than I thought it would be when i bought it. its not a book that made you love the main character. there were some points I wished I could know more, or felt the author didnt do the best job describing, but it was good. you should read it :)

Friday, December 30, 2011


I find it easier to talk to people you dont even know.
because then, they cant really judge you, or if they do, It wont matter. Because you dont really see them.

but if its someone you see every day, and have to e near every day. . . I find it harder to talk to them about anything, really....
because then they can and will judge you. And it matters.

thats why I can tell complete strangers  true thoughts. Or even just near-strangers.
things I dont even want to tell friends.

Does that even make sense?

I mean.... friends are suppose to be those people you confide in and everything. . . but then that person could just become some huge weapon against you, right?
People are always saying friends come and go.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I was browsing around and looking at all the crime stuff,
and found this article were Phycologists talked about mental illnesses(or lack there of) in comic book characters(sort of.)
and I,  for one, found it hilarious and awesome. (im into psychology :P)
but when you read all the comments people are like
"WTH, its a comic,  NOT REAL
"Get a life
"Who actually thinks this is important?"

sigh. people just dont understand  these days. :T

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

lmao, another school thing from a while ago.

Lmao, so, okay, this happened like, a month or so back in school.

at lunch we were all sitting around one day with our phones out, and My friend(lets call him Bob:) and Cousin(we'll call him steve:) comment on how they text in classes  all the time and teachers never notice. 

just a bit earlier they were talking about a Conversation they had earlier(and steves conversations are always weird as fuck) about like, the randomeset shit. 
Bob had apparently texted steve about porn on discovery channel at midnight, and other things like such(Bob is way to into his porn and fetishes.) and some stuff about crappy teachers and hot teachers.

So I comment, "you better not ever get caught... Or I hope you at leasst eraase your conversations!" (laughter from me)
steve: *confused*
bob : *confused* "What're you Talking about?'
me: "If you get caught texting the teachers will take your phone and read the conversation you were having, to make sure you arent cheating or something" (in a 'no duuh' voice)

it was all really funny :)
just was think about it. so I thought I'd share :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Death Note.

I;m a huge fan of it.
the anime - It was what i saw first and watched it in littl eunder a week. I watch an episode over now nd then.
the  Manga - I've read them in the book store, and I'm slowly buying each one and reading them again. Im at 7 an how to read.
the movie - i own it, dont think its amazing, but its alright. would have bee better if they didnt change the ending, and had he Mello and Near arc. ((I would love to see who they got! For Matt too :3))
'Fan' Books - I have both, Read the BB murder cases Twice.

I first got into the series becasue i was looking through a website where a bunch of people wrote stories, and there was one that was a Matt&Mello/Near. ((yes. not  Mello/Near/Matt, but Mello&Matt/Near.)) and I didnt know it was fanfiction(the writer didnt say it:T), and I absolutely loved it, and the characters. about half a year later I founf some pictures of Matt and Mello, and(i hadnt read the characters names) i thought they looked alot like how the writer had said. Then you read the names and its like Holy Fuck.
searching a bit more, i figured out it was Death Note - read what it was about, and watched it.
I Am absolutely in love with this series.

and i need more of it :(((
like so bad.

i personally tihnk they should do something ((more one shot specials PLEASE)) about the  kids a Wammy's.
because I mean, theres so much you dont know!!!
and I know its suppose to be like that, but... Damn it. it would just be awesome.

and thered be more Matt :')

If you couldnt guess, I love Matt's character. maybe because its relateable.

and his car is SEXY.

BL complaints,then Merlin

If you hadnt guessed by now, I'm sort of into BL.(yaoi, slash, Shonen-ai, Etc.) ((of course I do like Het. too, and LIGHT (fluffy)GL.))

and. thats what this post is gonna be about.
any way, its sort of just gonna be me ranting about the stuff i don't like about BL.

the main thing is the fact people make BOTH their guys look like woman. Serious, it like, this is Boys Love! not Girls Love! i mean, Even if you don't like Bara, you can still make them look like men! Cross dressing is one thing(because you can still draw them with male body type), but giving them feminine curves is another.
of course this isn't as bad as the one looking like a girl, because some times it can be a believable trans thing. but i still think its better if both men in Boys love, actually look like BOYS!


and then the 'rape is love' thing just gets uuugh. I mean, even some of the people who write it say they dont iek it! its like seriously, If you dont like it dont write it!

i dont get as upset with the stereotypical 'Seme or uke' attitudes the guys have. ((ie, Seme is badass, Uke is cute and  soft)) But some times it gets annoying....

just in a total, Not just in BL, I HATE furies, tentarape, and, well, rape in general.

any way,
I'm  finally finnished with the 2nd season! tonight I'll probably watch a few episodes of the 3rd :D

anyway, look at this video(slashy!)its just OMG. amazing!((i LOVEthis artist to, btw.))
Just look at the comic Version!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

adfgdfadfh er ogjerg


you know what ive been seeing pop up more and more nowadays?

things like "oh, well back then, they didnt mind if you (entertopichere), its only now a days we say its bad!"
or "blaaahblahblah  didint happen before, its only this new condemed society that does THAT!"

well one, NO. they did think it was wrong, they just didnt make it public. SO either way, it could be blatantly ignored. people still got arrested if they were out right accused,  but if it just went on, and no one made a fuss, then no one would do anything. people turned there heads.

now two, YES IT DID.
again, it wasnt made obvious, and it was seen as so wrong. and people never ever dare to think  that it would happen, because everyone knows its wrong.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Web Browsers ... XD

I use lots of them.

I hate internet explorer. it acts like a mother fucking virus and doesnt do shhhhiiiiit.

I dislike safari becasue its always slooooow.

Google chrome is cool, butnot my favorite.

fire fox is my long time favorite,  and probably  will be for a while.

now, the newst one i have, is Opera.
ever heard of it???

neither  had i.

but it is pretty wicked.
of groovy...

definatly Groovy :)
you should try it :D

Friday, December 23, 2011

LIIIIIIIIINKS....... and more merlin .. .

For the most greatest ever MEP video that didnt have any slash in it that i've ever seen, Click Here.

For the BEST. 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' video, Here .

For a pretty sick Death note Vid. HERE.  (its CRAZY AWESOME.)(its bout Matsuda!!!)(i loved him :D)

for a Slashy Merlin Fic Click Here.

Oh, and for the most LEGIT  Epic video for Dean/Cas EVER click here.


i've been watching it again :3
and i gots me whole family into it toooooo :DDDD

any way.
so we were  watching that episodewere you first see Merlins mom, and he Arther, gwen, and morgana go to his old villiage to fight WhatsHisFace???
and Merlins old friend is Chris (motherfucking) Miles(SKINS!)?!?!?!(actor is Joe Dempsie)

i didnt know at first, and i was racking my rain trying to figure it out, 'cause i knew i knew that face and when i figured it out i was liek Oh my fucking adshfaklsdfjalksd SKIIIIIINS!!!! Its HIIIIIIIIIM!!!!1

But what i actually began to  say was: "Oh my--- sdkflajdskfajsdkf --- its Ch------"  andhten I recal my sister brother and mom are in the room and is like ".... Never mind... *looks akwardly at floor*"

it was cool :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bitches and Merlin. XD

so. Me and my friends were walking to the mall today, and decided to stop by our friends house on the way.
so while we were walking down the street we see this tiny dog, that sort of looks like its not being taken care of very well, and is just walking on the side walk, down towards a very busy open road.
so, Having morals as i do, i ask my friends ((who a muuuch better with animals than i am(frightened i am)) to try and catch it (because it had a collar) so we could find its home.

and well my friend sort of trys to get it but it just turns around, and is running the other way (were theres more cars>.<) but than goes up the side walk of a house back into a backyard from under a gate. And were like "cool bitches. dog be safe"
but no.
just, NO.
little girl (around 10/11) comes out and is liek "can you leave our dog alone" In this bitchy ass voice, and my friend is trying to be "Ooh, sorry!"
and i'm like, bitch, no: "The dog was running around toward the road"
and the girl replies(in an even BITCHYER tone): "Yeah.   He likes to run around"

any way.
i also started watching Merlin today! :D
For i heard there was subtext out the ying yang!!!
and - yes,, yes there is.

i feel my favorite scenes have to be from episode four.

okay. so, Theres a scene when Merlin is suppose to be dieing, and is like, having a fever,and panting like a mad man,  and sputing random shit, and like, miniscule thrashing around in bed?

and hes like "Arther..   Arther....." and then later hes saying "faster! Go faster!" and, "move. . ."(ingroaningmoaningvoice.)
and it was ust like . . .

Awesome :3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ugh, Christmas.

We got a tree today!!!
with out my sister there...

and my family tried to decorate it without her here!!!
and i promptly threw a fit. XD

because decorating the tree is a special, family, event!

though, we're probably gonna have to wait 'til Thursday to do it now, but eh.
what ever.

oh, i also saw an old friend at the place we went to go pick a tree out at.
it was cool, but we pretty much ignored each other... which was depressing 'cause i really wanted to talk to her, but she just waved and wouldn't say hey to me :T

Kingdom hearts dream drop distance long trailer... (i just saw it:3)

Kingdom Hearts 3D - A Fan Fiction
Nomura: I am home now. And I have so many ideas to troll the fans with.
Squeenix: Troll the fans? Lets do it.
Nomura: Yes. And I will leave their minds utterly blown.
Meanwhile, in a 20 mile radius of this event -
Fanboys shed manly tears of happiness
And many a squee was heard from hyperventilating females.
It was amazing.
The End.


i think my favorite combo to ever get would be ones of Deep burgundy and Blue :|

maybe a lavender thrown in, to make three.


well. heres a link :)

i think theres something in the fact that one is natural and the other is not, as well as there seperate meanings, together. 

what does the (nonexistant) reader think?
favorite roses you'd like to get?

oh god im pathetic.... D:

Monday, December 19, 2011

ah man, ima fail.

I thought it was Tuesday...

all day today.
my sister and I got in a fight about it too....

its so depressing now that I know its Monday ..... D:
I woke up thinking "tomorrow i go to mall, today is glee, today i have to do chores,"

i still did the chores D:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

So I had this dream

Were  I met a guy named Noble.
And, now, i wanna know if people actually name there kids that.

because its like, totally awesome.
and I would love to know a person named Noble.
as a first name that is. if i ever met a guy with Noble as a last name I think I woul d just refer to them by that, too.

its not as cool if a girl was named it though :\

again a question.

because, I dunno, I get questiony about my self at night.

is it weird i feel i got most of my ability to pitch(literally here.) from a anime? ((big windup!/ÅŒfuri))
because, apparently, i have an ability to throw well, now.

before? none. at all.
Now? I guess so. according to those girls in my P.E class.

because we're playing paddle(because we cant afford rackets) tennis. nad i just enjoy throwing the ball over the net to the other side.
and theese girls on the other team ((im mentioning just them becasue, mainly its just them, most of the time(bythat i mean, usally each person will tell me once, if at all, but these girls must have said it at least  2 or 3 times.)) say I've got a great pitch and should go for the baseball team.
and they laugh at my constant reply of "yeah, but thats pretty much all i can do" or "but i cant really hit a ball, or catch."

these are the same girls who laugh(not in a mean way. sort of a kind/friendly way) at my cussing if i hit a ball badly or throw badly.  I've heard them say the like/love how i cuss like that. ((weird chicks man. trust me XD))

Saturday, December 17, 2011

there was this time back.... in .... 7th or 8th grade maybe, and me, my cousin, my friends Adrienne and Alexis were siting around watching Grease (because its awesome!) and my brother was visiting from Germany, just sitting behind us at the computer.

and so, you know the scene were Rizzo and Kenickie are gonna do it in his car, and he says something along the lines of "it broke" or "it ripped" when he pulls a condom out of his wallet?
well, While me my cousin and Alexis are laughing our asses off, Adrienne asks 'what broke?"
instant silence time.
we all found it a bit to awkward to tell her so . . . my older brother speaks up from behind just saying "his CONDOM."
and then its just like  . . . *facepalm.

any way, just something i  was thinking about. 

is it weird

if i just like sitting around with people, and i can find just that fun?
because i guess alot of people dont think it is.
but i do, because, i mean, just having the company of friends is fun. right?

Lightning reaction reloaded.

I want one! BADLY.
i mena, id probly only use it once or twice beofre i got fed up, but it would be worth it!!!
heres a link to a page i foundabout it
and, a video! LMAO.


i also increadbly want these, but ill probably get those myself next weekend :) 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Brownies went over how i figured.
drug jokes all over the place :T
i guess this could also do with the fact people (mostly my family>.<) says i look like a total stoner (though, the do say i dont act like it.. .so :)

any way, the finals were pretty easy. Music was hella boring though :c

so those brownies....

came out pretty damn sexy.
my friend claims its because she put love into it, I say its because of my awesome dance :D

i packed all of them into 2 tupperware cases, and now I'm off to school!
report back later on how well that goes over.
along with how my last two finals (Physics and Music!) go over :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011


today. i have a bad headache. that started at 'brunch'.
i pushed my friend forward , so she decided to swing her hand down on the top of my head :/
and that i had to run 2 miles. D:
so headache is really bad.

but i did just make brownies with my bud, so its alright.
and i do have plans with some cool people tomorrow so its alright.
i have to go check my brownies :|

but, before i do.
i have to say that fiinals suuck. i establish this fact every year.
and i did it again. finals suuuuuuuuuck butt.

and this video, its a Sherlock (BBC) vid. and its adorable! :)
i take Johns side, yo.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SO, over the summer.

I was sitting in this public lounge and watching Law&order: SVU. (its funny enough because I group of like, 13 year old guys were siting behind me watching it while playing pool, And their comments were hilarious.)

any who, That episode with Kyle Gallner in it (when hes older, no the younger) playing as Shane somethinerother came on, and i hadnt know he was ever in it, so i freaked like hell. because i love the parts Kyle Gallner plays :)
and so, When the docter tells him hes got to tell who ever it was and the kids like "its not a girl..." i freaked out even more because i thought they were not only going to have a gay character episode, but have gallner play a gay character. and that, would have been oh so awesome.

anyway. thats all i had to share.


and a noob :)
so. Dont hate me because this is random as fuck and a total waste.
i just. . . am really really really bored.
so i  was thinking i would just post stuff about anything I happen to think about.
even if its something that happened a while a go, or today.
i'll probably rage at my friends a bit too. because i'm lame like that :)
just a warning.
this is useless.

i miight write some story ideas too, because i love writing badly :)