Monday, April 30, 2012

. . .
I've gotten back into MSI.

I dont know how I was eveer out of this stuff.

anyway. . .
I told you guys  agout the grease thing right?
Well, i have a break from it til wednesday now.
I had something important to say, but i forgot it. . .

so, in PE we started swimming.

but im allergic to chlorine, so I get to be 'junior lifegaurd assistant' which means i stand around the teacher and unlock the door for them cuz they get to go in early.

but anyway,
guy i like is in that class. and, Dear God, he is the whitest kid I have ever seen, apart from myself. like, seriously. Dude is reflective . . . along with alot of other things i cant from into words with out seeming creepy as fuck but holyshit.


Friday, April 27, 2012


okay so, I. . .

oh god i just figured out the guy i like is a senior. . .
but he totally doesnt look like one and i figured he might be a young junior, or at least a sophomore. . .


okay. sorry.

tell you about actual shit later.
but. . .

. . .
oh, but the other guy i like is defiantly freshmen and only possibly going to a different school next year . . .
i hope so bad he doesnt go!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


and the lack of.

and why.

(im apoloogizing now for any bad spelling/grammar mistakes, Im to tired to fix anything or focus.)

Im participating in this school musical thingy(GREASE!), just as stage crew, and its eatting up my time rediculously.

we get an hour inbetween the end of school and start of rehersal, which i use to walk home (20 minutes), change(10 minutes), get food/eat(20), get my pack read(5), drive to school(3).
then I get home around 9, and usally have abou tan hour to eat, do homework, shower, change before i go  to bed.

opening ngiht is tommorrw, then i have a show on saterday, may 3rd, 4th, and 5th, and reharsal may 2nd.
but,, finally i should be more free after that.
plus i had a powerpoint to do for music, and have a spanish project to work on (what sunday is for.)(ill talk more about that later.)
aaaaaaaaadnnnd. . . .

well yeah thats it.

hope your doing welll.

talk to you. . .
o geez... hopefully soon.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sleeping Positions.

I. . .I was bored alright.

So, First, Here's these two sites : One, Two.

So . . .
i sleep either on my stomach, or in a sort of fetal position.

According to the sites, Fetal position personality its -
1. described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax.
2. tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world.

Its actually pretty accurate.

And then on your stomach:
1.Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.
2.a brash and gregarious exterior who may inwardly be nervous and sensitive to criticism.

again, accurate.

pretty crazy, huh?

So. . .
how about you? whats your sleeping position/personality?(:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Great America.

I went today.
For the first time in  just about a year.
And it was pretty cool. No one was really there, and it was alright weather for awhile.

My friends made me go on that Pirate ship ride that goes upside down. We wereso lucky no one else was on that ride, Cause I freaked the fuck out. I was cussing my friend out, and I'm sure the workers were laughing at me after.
They also made me go on Delirium. I hated that so fucking much.
Oh, and just in case you didnt know, Those rides are not at all nice to the male gender. Justsoyouknow.
they also had me go on that  mouse ride thing what ever thats jerky and shit. I did not like.

I also tried sushi.

and then spit it out.

Near the end of the day we went on that water ride with the tube like thing whatever.
And we were actually pretty dry.
and commenting on how surprisingly dry we were.
then we passed the spot were the people can put quarters in to spray water on us.

to make a short story shorter, My friend ended up comparing me to a cat with drenched with water.
and I cussed out a bunch of little kids before flipping them all off.
now in retrospect . . .
Lmao. You must watch this.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Marianas Trench, Ever After.

I listen to the album all the way home. and i have 3 things to say.

1. "How can one of us still feel blessed when the other one's lost?"(By Now)
    For some reason, I feel this line would be so much better if it was ". . .while the other ones fucked" I don't know why.

2. "Who'll be my Montague now, /To this broken Capulet /How..." (Toy Soldiers)
     wasn't 'Montague' Romeo? and 'Capulet' Juliet? so . . . alright then. I won't judge.
3. "Your talk is small, I'm seven inches tall"(By Now)
      Oh ho hoh.

All the  songs are great though. Just... had to share:P
alright. So monday morning I beat the 4th and 5th colossi.
then we went to Donner lake, Which was cool. Walked around in water (which was so coold.) there was snow there too.
Then we went to  boomtown. Got a tie, blue converse and a bag. We spent the night there, and it sucked.
also, my sister was also flirted with while being 5 months pregnant. guess thats why counters are helpful.
my cousin slept it the closet.

then the nexxt morning we went to Empire Mines, which was really cool. and i got a necklace.

then we ate dinner at ihop. And it was completely empty.
I thought they were gonna kill us and eat our flesh.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shadow of the Colossus.

I feel this requires a small amount of backstory.
So here we go.

Okay, so on Saturday, everyone was out of house, so, I wanted to play Bully and Kingdom Hearts in the living room(we have a new Vizio tv). So I got the PS2 in here, and . . . couldnt find the chord for the tv.
Due to the fact that the TV we had in the garage was so old, the chord I had been using was lowest quality possible.
by the time I find one for it, every ones home:T
So I played Kingdom Hearts for a bit while comcast guy went around our house setting shit up(i think he was laughing at me when I cussed at Wakka and 'whooped' when I beat Riku on the first try.). But then once I'm done my brothers all like "i wanna try this game out on this tv, it had great graphic nd scenery." And im just 'cool, Scenery porn, play that shit up!"
and then. THEN. It was Shadow of the Colossus (betcha didnt see that one coming.). and it was Beautiful. And Wander is pretty bonita. I named Agro Adam(because I thought his name was 'Ago" which I do not like.). I decided Mono was his sister, No mater what you say.

so anyway. Game looked cool. I looked it up, story seemed cool.
Now I'm playing it.
Beat the first 2(1st in three trys(i kept on falling under its feetXD) and the 2nd in two.), using what I remebered from  seeing my brother play. then I figured out third on my own, on first try. the 4th started pissing me off, so i gave up, Gonna do it later. in the morning maybe.

Going to Donner lake tomorrow. staying 'til Tuesday night or wednesday morning.
just me my mom my dad and my cousin. fun.
leaving around 8 or 9.
gonna wake up at 7.
gotta go to bed now.
goodnight :)
Watch:) ThisToo! AndDontForget-!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I got up at 8 and made pancakes. that tasted so bad even my dad only ate 3. I barely chocked down a half of one though.
Then, my dad drilled a hole into the wall in my room,  for some wire. So i had wall fuzz on my floor. then I had to reach ito the wall, into the fuzz, to find the sucked.
But I got dome of my posters up too. the only ones with out a space now is the ones I need framed(2), theharry potter one, And the large Naruto one.
I watch ed Merlin, She's the Man, (bits of)Grimm, and Being human with my mom. And, oh my God, Josh is fucking adorable(Being Human.). I dont really watch the show, But holy shit. fucking adorable.

So. . .I've been up since eight, and thats all I've fucking done.

How exciting.