Monday, December 17, 2012

i want to do nothing with my life except not give a shit about anything because really i hate all this having to try and shit cause its like you try and try and try to get what ever the fuck it is they wnat you to get but you van never fucking get there and its always 'oh your smart you just need to try' nad its just I fucking do you just dont see it because i get fucking no where with anything and i cant even fucking talk properly and you want me to learn other languages please no way and just i dont want to learn abou twho the fuck i am because im fucking no one and just i dont have things i like or i commonly do so i cant tell you if ive stopped them recently dont ask me i just i dnt have hobbies i cant talk to you about that i can ramble but just  that and who wants that i want aperson who i guess just is there and will ramble back and let me vent and jsut oh my god read my fucking mind and know when the fuck to shtu up because i mean i just i dont even i just fuck Shit is hard Really Like Just I cant Help Fuck What am i even doing i mean i jst kinda sit here and i just i cant life properly i have to run tomorrow and i jsut i cant but i guess ill fail ill take it again and i didnt fucking tell him i might be going to his school goddamn it i just why fuck shit

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