Friday, January 20, 2012

oh my god. I failed so badly today.
in P.E we learned the final steps to the dance we were doing, and i was like with the last guy or  second to last guy i had to dance with, and I COMPLETELY blanked.

its like. . . what the fuck was I doing again?
and its like oh my god....
the guy was nice tthough.. he sort of laughed and told me what was going on,
it was alright though, cuz hes like one of the few guys that are good at leading :)
oh my  god . . . my face i must have been so bloody red.. . ..

other news, apparently my Asian friends little sister is interested in nazi's.
i had to explain to her they were white supremacists. meaning she would be being racist to her self.
and, even if she were white, it would make her a total asshole and eer one would hate her. it was fun.

when i said she would be racist to her self she was like "i thought the only didnt like Jeeeeeeewssssss! im not JEEEEEW."
and im like, wanting to hit her in the face. i explained to her that wasnt it,  but even if it was, it would be terrible, and shed mbe an asss.

it was soooo weird. i like, didnt even know how to ecplain it to her. i just really said nazi's suck shit, and dont be no motherfucking racist.

it was to weird. the people teaching history to theese kids... it terrible!
my other friend, she even asked me the other day. 'hey, didnt Berlin have a wall?!' (like she seriously didnt know!) it waws like... wth...

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