Friday, January 13, 2012

Did you know

You indirectly touch about 15 penises(how do you say penis in plural?is it peni, like octopi?lmao ) a day, by doing this such as shaking hands, borrowing pencils,  and using door knobs?
 Guys get 10 million new sperm cells each day?
 Every hour to hour and a half, sleeping men have erections?
A sneeze travels at a rate in excess of 100 mph?
normally, Guys cum at about 28mph?
 Memory is affected by body position?

Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest?
Only humans shed emotional tears?
If a person goes without sleep for 10 days, they will die.


if some one tells you, "i'm a total clutz, by the way."
what wouldbe your responce?

woud it be "Ooh.. my sisters a clutz too"
i thought not.

i mean why would that be a responce? I DONT UNDERSTAND,(thats not being emotional, its being confused about human nature, i wish to understand it :|)

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