Tuesday, January 31, 2012


so. not much happened today...

um. I made cookies with my sister...
except it was a recipe for 6 dozen. . . but we didnt know that when we started x)

im alomst caught up with my shit load of english homework.

oh, and, I probaly smell like shit.
i had to run today in P.e, but our showers arent working. and they prbably wont beuntil tomorrow night, or two days.
yeah, I think its disgusting too.

plus, at lunch two of my friends actually got into real fight.
it was short though. so . . . fuck, I just hope both of them will still hang out with our group.

its only 10.30 and im tireed....


Monday, January 30, 2012

first, go listen to Oh no! by marina and the diamonds.
its a great song :)

secondly, I;ve seen the main characters for legend of korra (avatar the last air-bender spinoff/sequal.)
I was totally exsited to see that their were two guys (slash would have been a given. and the taller one. unf.), but then i looked it up. and of course, their brothers. even though they totally dont look it. :T
slash dreams have gone away ):

but either way, I really hope this show goes well. I really loved the first series :)
but  the amount of ways they can fuck it up . . .oh god...

though, the equalists' outfits look extremely awesome :D x)
i reall yhate school.
just saying.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


okay,  so at dinnre today, we were talking.
and I'm telling my brother about his thing that happened at school.
which is my friend has this drama assignment to parody someold greek thing.
and Im talking about it, remembering what happend at school, and im at hte end, and I start laughing at it alot.
he calls me sadistic cause of that, and i ask him how, he says cuz im laughing, and i explain its cuz what we were doing while talking about it at school.

but he doesnt just take that, he still calls me sadistic, and asks the whole motherfucking table about it in which he retells the story so differently!(see bottom about MORE ranting of him ALWAYS doing this.)

and then later in the kitchen he was cleanign the cutting board, and says "now i pat dry." then, "time to call pat"
and he and my mom laugh at it. i say i dont get it, and my mom says, "you know, like a person named pat?" and Yeah, no duh, "i got that was what he meant, but i dont get how its funny."
and then there all quiet so I say, "heh, maybe it'd make sence to me if you said time to call dry." (heh, do YOU get it?)
they just look at me weird, so i try and explainit, but then I ask again, how the call pat thing was funny, and my brother just says it just is, cuz its liek the name, just go away, and crap  like that.
For like EVER.

and then they start making fun of my sence of humor, and its just like, I dont CARE, just answer my question!
and neither of them ARE, and i say "i just dont get it because if pat dry were a name and thats how you were using it in that sentence, it wouldnt be complete. its sounds weird if that were a name in such coincidence"
and my borther is like "Oh my god... this isnt even qu-- debating anymre! its plain out fight -- yelling!"
and itsliek OMG! how is THAT just yelling? it made sence, it was valid. it was more debating than anything ELSE i had said!!!!

and so im like. yeah,I would stop asking if you would ANSWER me, butyou arent, im sorry i just dont GET it, but im asking you to explain it so could you? then ill shut up and leave. I dont care if its still funny or not when you explain it, I just want to get it!"
his reply?
"oh, just go away!"

CONTINUEING RANT about brother always changing up storys while explaining.((he woulld SUCK at telephone))
seriously, he always does it. expecially when telling relatives about my sister when shes not around

cuz, shes got this friend edgar, and her boyfriend Fernando. and catherine met one of them through the other.
she has never dated Edgar, and neither have expressed a want to date(loosely used word.) each other.
Edgar is just her friend and they go out with their other friends to lounges alot.
So, hes talking about this with my grandmother,  saying that shes gonna cause trouble having the two guys, a

and im like, "Dude, Edgar is Fernandos FRIEND. its not---"(was going to say,'its not like that' but i was cut off. he always yells at ME for cutitng him off.)
"His friend? HA, thats even worse!"
So i tell him to shut the hell up, and explain what its is to my grandma.


im ending my Bitch fit here. still hella fucking pissed at him. sorry for any speeling mistakes. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

oh my god. I failed so badly today.
in P.E we learned the final steps to the dance we were doing, and i was like with the last guy or  second to last guy i had to dance with, and I COMPLETELY blanked.

its like. . . what the fuck was I doing again?
and its like oh my god....
the guy was nice tthough.. he sort of laughed and told me what was going on,
it was alright though, cuz hes like one of the few guys that are good at leading :)
oh my  god . . . my face i must have been so bloody red.. . ..

other news, apparently my Asian friends little sister is interested in nazi's.
i had to explain to her they were white supremacists. meaning she would be being racist to her self.
and, even if she were white, it would make her a total asshole and eer one would hate her. it was fun.

when i said she would be racist to her self she was like "i thought the only didnt like Jeeeeeeewssssss! im not JEEEEEW."
and im like, wanting to hit her in the face. i explained to her that wasnt it,  but even if it was, it would be terrible, and shed mbe an asss.

it was soooo weird. i like, didnt even know how to ecplain it to her. i just really said nazi's suck shit, and dont be no motherfucking racist.

it was to weird. the people teaching history to theese kids... it terrible!
my other friend, she even asked me the other day. 'hey, didnt Berlin have a wall?!' (like she seriously didnt know!) it waws like... wth...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hey, sorry i;ve been gone for a while!
in all truth, I hadnt touched my computer in days!
so, sorry :T

lots has happened though :)

i learned how to make crepes. and they a delicious.
i think i might be passing spanish now.
i had a HUGE fight with my sister over stupid crap.
im trying not to cuss as much ^^;
and, on saterday im gonna go see west side story.

so, pretty cool.

thers more stuff that  im just bloody confused about, but what ever. who wants to know about that right? its just confusing and depressing.


lotsof so's XD

oh! and - almost forgot - i finished a book i was reading, and i really want to write something up for it, but ive really gotta go now :(
so i might do it tomorrow. see ya :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Did you know

You indirectly touch about 15 penises(how do you say penis in plural?is it peni, like octopi?lmao ) a day, by doing this such as shaking hands, borrowing pencils,  and using door knobs?
 Guys get 10 million new sperm cells each day?
 Every hour to hour and a half, sleeping men have erections?
A sneeze travels at a rate in excess of 100 mph?
normally, Guys cum at about 28mph?
 Memory is affected by body position?

Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest?
Only humans shed emotional tears?
If a person goes without sleep for 10 days, they will die.


if some one tells you, "i'm a total clutz, by the way."
what wouldbe your responce?

woud it be "Ooh.. my sisters a clutz too"
i thought not.

i mean why would that be a responce? I DONT UNDERSTAND,(thats not being emotional, its being confused about human nature, i wish to understand it :|)

Logitech (shark ice)

Hey. :)

so .
any one know of the ice rink logitech? (Now its 'Sharks Ice' but I've always known it as Logitech!)
'Cause I've gotta go and work at my grandmas selling booth over the week end.
I pretty much do it just cause i like to watch hockey :)

and see the guys ;) hockey guys are atractive sometimes. (not as much as soccer guys though. and in tie with swim guys.)

though, Its the MLK  girls/womans tournament.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

In P.e today we started dance . . .

and I had  one guy I did NOT want to dance with.

and low and behold, whos the ONLY ONE LEFT?


and it was awesome.  


so. Whos seen this? can you believe it?
who theHELL actually agrees with that SHIT?

Monday, January 9, 2012



I'm in a music appreciation class... (because people suuuck)

and her weighing of the grades is tests and quizzes is 10%, while partcipation is 30%

. . .

and in tests and quizzes I hae like 82%, and in partcipation i have 60%, cuz she never calls on me. . .

and its like FUUUCK,

if you graded like a normal teacher I'd probably have ATLEAST a B! not a C-!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sorry i dont really have much on recently.

I just. . .
cant really think of what to write.

I mean, I guess there is sort of a lot I could write about . . .but  dont really know how to write it :T

gonna have to go back to school tomorrow. . . thats gonna suck :\

Shameless is back on!
which is cool. . .

uggggggggguh. . ........................................................


i've been sick :P

Since like . . . new years (lmao) but its been really bad for my throat since wednesday. I was talking real weird on wednesday(which all my friends made fun of me for :T)
and then i couldnt talk at all o thursday, so i stayed home.
and then on friday, in hopes of getting better, i stayed home. sooooo.... after a 2 week break I was in school for 1 1/2 (wednesdays are short), and the ou tagain. . . :| my teachers . . . are gonna hate me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

For the site i posted prevously...

heres another... lmao...

Passionate Lang Syne

Toni sipped joyfully at his drink and stood passionate behind a vacuum. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel sexy and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how lustful his crotch got when he was nervous.

Well, truth be told, Toni knew very well why he was at the party: to see Kyle.

Ah, Kyle. Just the thought of him, the chance of a glimpse of his bitchy thigh made Toni's heart beat like a crazy rubix cube.

But tonight everyone was masked. Toni peered fuckingly through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Kyle. There, he thought, the man over by the bar, the hearty one with the duck mask. It had to be Kyle. No one else could look so stupid, even in a duck mask.

He began to walk Toni's way and Toni started to panic. What if he actually talked to Toni?

Kyle came right up to Toni and Toni thought that he was going to faint.

"Hello," Kyle said broodingly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"

"Oh, just looking at the bed," Toni said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so naughty.

Just then, a gay voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

Toni's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Kyle might ...

"Happy New Year!"

Kyle swept Toni into his arms, bent him on a table, and kissed Toni lustfully, slipping him the tongue and groping his face.

Toni could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out gayfully and pulled Kyle's mask off his face. It was Kyle! "I knew it was you," Toni said and took his own mask off.

"And it's ... you," Kyle said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."

Toni watched him go. He would be right back, Toni was sure. Just as soon as he had his punch.

And then they would fall in love.

Omg, this is awesome.

its like ad-lib fanfiction. lmao.

check it out, its awesome. Heresthe one it gave me. ((i might.... post a few of these  . . .sorry.XD))

To Broadly Punch

Steven and Ben were celebrating a shy Valentine's Day together. Steven had cooked a bright dinner and they ate on a plane by candlelight.

"My darling," Ben said, stroking Steven's face, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Steven. "It is but a gay token of my rainbow-y love."

Steven opened the box. Inside was a colorful table! He gazed at it coolly. Then he gazed at Ben coolly. "It's gastly," Steven said. "Come here and let me punch you."

Just then, a jealously crone sprang out of hiding and cackled Like rain in the spring time. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a stupid voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Ben read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says...it says that you're my brother."

They stared at each other zestfully as the crone cackled some more. Steven's knee began to tremble. Then Ben shrugged, pulled out a spoon, and hit the crone on her ear. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Steven said and kissed Ben coaxingly. "This is a bold Valentine's Day!"

They evenly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they punched each other all night long.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Awesome tattoo.

Dude. Look at this.

New Years :P

Sort of sucked.
everyone got sick.

Im feeling better now though.
so. :T

I always seem to be sick for like a day.
and then it goes away.
im never sick for very long.....

any way,
2012. . .