Friday, August 23, 2013

also ive just seen that a person isnt going to my school any more

i cant stop being depressed over it

and i hate it

im not allowed to care about it
you know

i just shouldnt
its not good
its not healthy
its slightly obsessive
and i hate hate hate it
and i just

how do you stop obsessing over caring about thinking of  a person?
people with talent make me feel like shit

cos ive really got like zero talent what so ever

and then i feel like shit for feeling like shit


its so bad

my friends keep singing in the halls in like, these beautiful quartets and playing the guitar and its just so nice

and i just sit there
and really
try not to cry because holy fuck

i can do nothing

im just

Saturday, August 10, 2013

ohhhh myyyyy sdfgsdhjkdls

I just translated a romeo and juliet quote into vulcan

no i just translated it to modern english to the grammar(literal) form for vulcan, to fucking vulcan
so i can but it on my binder

part of me is glad that i can do that

the other is ashamed that i did

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



okay so tomorrow im going to do the AP notes ((ps YES i got AP but also FUCK because they didnt tell me i was even considered like she said they would so i have to get a booooook ffffuck))
friday im gonna set up my Binder and shit ((so finding the old Moosen, eh? cover cos its awesome and im gonna do some Vulcan Calligraphy (dude its really pretty dont judge) scripts to use on the front. either my names or some proverb/phrases OR maybe just "to boldly go . . ."))
saturday i must watch the first star trek movie
sunday wrath of kahn
monday dude just sleep
fucking sleep
tuesday i fucking hate school fuck

also got school schedule today and
i dnt know anything about the teachers
i have APUSH 4th period with my cousin so fuck yesss i finally have a class with one of my friends yeah
but a slightly annoying fellow is in my english class 3rd period
i got haley ((any one remember freshman year intro to science?? i had her for like a month before i transferred. really dislike herrrrrr)) for bio (which btw taking again because she wouldnt give me like 2 points to get a C bbut hey what everrrr) first
 i got maths 5th but im changing the class cos i managed to pass but i dont know if theyll have room
got psychology 6th (fuck yess maaaan)
and spanish last i hate everything.
but heeeeeeeey

last year spanish and maths hopefully

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the overlooked (TeenWolf)

yo so i dont have a lot to say about teen wolf
except i really wanted blake to be paige

also i really liked that they actually had stiles try to do the thing with the bat and the scene was really cool
but really davis you couldnt have had that do more
i think stiles should have had a really weird comment or question right after it just to throw the twins off,
like i was thinking something about danny cos then both would be shock cos wtf, and aiden might be upset with ethan which would probably weaken them

i dunno

also good job stiles someone finally fucking realized 'guardians'
also i really liked the tihng with him just sort of being 'what if we are useless' just because i can really relate to that sort of thing. though how they did it, it didnt really flow into the episode as well as it could have.

also damn it i knew cora was gonna be a sterek hale replacment
but dude all they been saying all season is 'yup shes a hale' 'yup shes related to derek'
and its just
fuck dude
still shipping sterek
also cora has kind of grown on me though i do feel shes a bit thrown in still just cos
oh look sister that i thought died
how crazy

so this episode went by really quick for me and i dont have much to say

ive been listening to The Neighbourhood a lot recently
and its all really good
you should definitely check them out

i especially dig Afraid, but all of its really good and has a really great feel.