Sunday, February 17, 2013

why did i even
i mean it was just
i wasnt going to fight it for that lng?
or that seriously cause shit
i mean
it was just fuck
I mean
It was
he thinks hes not attractive ecause of a scar over his eye and his hair is messy all the time. 
please. i mean, half tempted to say you dont know how many times i want to run my hands over that scar? kiss that fucking scar? its a great scar. its tiny as shit but hey, its cute. 
so's his hair, i mean,, girls run their hands through it all the fucking time. its fucking fantastic. 
you dont have a nice complexion no shit your a fucking teenager like really who the fuck do youthink you fucking are dickwad.
 and he need s to stop calling me beautiful and saying love you before he goes to bed because this is why i fucking hate people who dont let other know their attracted to them when the change or vent or tease or what ever. its just unfair, or not rigtht its just. people are doing all these things thinking its fine and platonic and all that shit but if its just fucking not then you have to let them fucking kow or at lwast have them stop doign it because thats just not right mean

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