Thursday, February 7, 2013

Suicide Room

I just watched it (Its on netflix!)
I actually cant say its not what I expected, as I didnt really know what to expect going into it?
it was very
moving, in an odd way.
I tihnk I like some of these films covering suicide better from over in europe than in america, just becuse,
I dont know, It kind of
Covers in in a not so
well ending way?
I dont want to say in makes it darker or not happy, because no suicide film does, none end happy. None really should. I mean, a bitter end at most i mean, yeah
But, I dont know, most american ones ive seen have just been. . . lighter? 
and I like the darkness of most of the non-american ones ive seen just because it makes it, heavier? and maybe more real.

(I will know say all the obvious things this film was subtextually saying because out right saying it is douchey. I will become the person i hate. and state the obvious. Soooo)
And this one, was just, so different from what you normally see.
I mean, dominik didnt want to die, he was against suicide the whole time, and never wanted to die.
He only wanted to die because he didnt want to live with out Sylwia.
and Slywia.
She wanted to die because she believed there was nothing to live for.
But, thats just becasue she never left her own goddamn room to find something.
Though she still found it in Dominik, I suppose, and hearing of his death. . .maybe caused her to want to live. for him. Because, I dont know, its a terrible thing when those who want to die live, and those who want to live die. We live for those who never get the chance to.
I tihnk if Dominik and Sylwia did meet, they both would have lived.
its the thing you see, like with suicide pacts sometimes?
you find people like you who understand and you can get along with. and you find a person to live for.

a big thing i could think of while watching this was the ocean doesnt move freely. it can do almost nothing of its own will. Its pushed and pulled by the gravity force of the moon.
Everything acts the way it does because something else gives it the cause to do so.

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