Saturday, January 19, 2013

L.I.E. (2001 movie)

I watched it here

its pretty fucking great
serious you should watch it
every one should.
Just wish Howie and gary had spent a littl eore time together you know(COmpletely disregarding any story plot of the movie, shit would have been hot. like hell. like holy fuck i dont approve of swallowing guns but baby do that any fucking time you wanna cuz BAm)(okay got carried away but you;d get it if you sAW IT CUZ FUCK ME WTHI A SPOOON BRO..)

good movie and just
wow ending??/
didnt see it coming.
so basically.
So some not so but still spoilers.
Howies this kid with disfuncional familys ands hangn\ing around with this crew, who rob the occasional house. Kids bein Kevin( i think?) Whos fucking his sister with out a rubber and does not apporve of the sausage swapin (that sadly doesnt happen between howie and gary :(), Brian who im guessin was p tight with Gary before Howie came long, pretty sure he knew gary was bit gaAaAay, and didnt really minds it but you know. Oh and then theres gary who Howie and we all subconsciously wanted to fuck. so yeah
um((real biggy spoilers i suppose)
then gary and he rob this house, steal and later molest some guns and well john tracks gary cuz *MAJIKZ FINGR WAAGZ* (was gross as fuck though like >:P) and Gary bein the puss he is, is like HOAWWARDS BLITZERES so john goes and guess plans to fuck him in compentsation, is creeps ass fucks though.
but yeah shit goes down and emotionally unstable Howie gets father figure, who he never even kind of fucks thaNK YOU GOD THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO DISGUSTING. bt yeah johns lover is unstabel (bIG DUH) and shoots the fucker up.
so yeahs.
Spoilaz end~~~~~~~~~~~

So herm yeah
super depressed i cant find no writing about this shit  but hey.
dugg the fuck out of this movie.
 (Pictured- Some nice gun molestation. Yes, Guns were scarred for life in the making of this production.)(but thats okay 'cos dAMN dat b haawtts.)

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