Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sat down to watch some short films today.

Bug Crush (
    interesting to say the least. About 30 minutes. OH gay too kind of? freaky as fuck. pretty good though.           Ben probably should have listened to the chick.

Just a Little Comfort(
    french film. Gay. not that good but you know. 40 mintues? maybe?

Water | Vattnet
    ShortShortShort. 15minutes, I dont know exactly hwat language this was for sure? sounded very pretty though. the boys just had nice voices. good story, though it is one were you feel you only got a scene from a full movie.

    "its blue raspberry. . . T-the lip-balm not the condom"  BEST LINE. Sorry
    but yeah. cute. very. 25 minutes. the acting can get kind of badish? but I thinksome of it was meant to be a funny thingish thing? but there is a shit musical number at the end. Funny, good, but essentially not that great.

    french. CUte.
    holy fuck did you ask a guy out while you where using a fucking urinal what the fuck. 15 minutes.

    germaaaan 15 minutes.

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