Friday, June 22, 2012

You know what pisses me off?
when people are mad at you for doing something, or dislike somethin youre doing, and dont tell you until afterwards.

like out of the blue, two hours later, there just liek "oh, and i didnt like when you did ~~~~ so if you could not do that again, thanks." in like this attitude liek their sooo much better, and that I should haveknown not to do it.
tell me when I'm doing it, if you dont like it. then, I can stop, and correct it.
Or like, they dont say anthing until you ask if its right, or if its okay, and then their just like, "no, its wrong"
and its just like tcuygibhijkl could of told me earlier. you where standing their the whole time, asshole.
then you have to completely redo it.

even worse, when they are usally doing it, and you dont. and then the one time you do, they scrutinize you for it. its just. . . the fucks are you doing with your life, asshat?
seriously. . .
fuck. ..

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