Tuesday, June 26, 2012


OKay, soooo I dont really even know that anyone is actually fallowing this, but. . .
Just encase someone is, I wanted to inform you, just encase,
that I do now have some recommendation pages to the side.
i have one for Music set up(not completely done going through it, but. . . please  check that one out.)
then another for fan fiction. . . yeah that one is done. . .
And one i dont even have published, but im working on it, for Books. soo.
check them out?
just encase you hadnt noticed.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Okay, so, I'm watching Teen Wolf.
The new series.
And, its not as bad as I thought it would be.
Still, though, I can't quite tell which it is, the writting or line delivery I don't really enjoy sometimes. . . or maybe it switches off. . .
Either way, the acting is not as good as it could be, honestly.
and the actor who plays Scott - his jaw is crooked. seriously. Every time I see his face, thats all I see.
a crooked jaw.

but anyway, anyway,
Soim on episode 3 right now, and, if you;ve seen the show, oyu might remember that this is the episode  that opens up in scotts dream sequence(though you cant tell by any special effect) and hes gotAlison on the bus and hes making out with her, until he goes wolf and kills her.
but then when they get to school, they see he actually attacked the old bus driver dude. . . pretty presisly to his dream. So . . . my question. . . was he making out with old bus driver dude too?
or (im  only half through this episode, Im just voicing the thought  while ive got  the want to) does thi schange up?
ummm yeah.

Friday, June 22, 2012

You know what pisses me off?
when people are mad at you for doing something, or dislike somethin youre doing, and dont tell you until afterwards.

like out of the blue, two hours later, there just liek "oh, and i didnt like when you did ~~~~ so if you could not do that again, thanks." in like this attitude liek their sooo much better, and that I should haveknown not to do it.
tell me when I'm doing it, if you dont like it. then, I can stop, and correct it.
Or like, they dont say anthing until you ask if its right, or if its okay, and then their just like, "no, its wrong"
and its just like tcuygibhijkl could of told me earlier. you where standing their the whole time, asshole.
then you have to completely redo it.

even worse, when they are usally doing it, and you dont. and then the one time you do, they scrutinize you for it. its just. . . the fucks are you doing with your life, asshat?
seriously. . .
fuck. ..

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hi, so. . .
yeah, sorry I havent posted anything resently. . . But I was trying to get my Disney trip all written up before I posted anthing more. . .
But, I really just wantedto type some stuff up, and. . .well, yeah.


I've been wanting to really write something recently. . .
Not for any particular reason, save for the fact i havent written in so long.
like this. im less familiar with my key board now and its just making shit hard. 

but anyway, sadly, even though I have a huge want to write. . .I've got no ideas. . .
so. . . any prompts, or good places to get prompts?
because I got nothing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Well, off to Disney Land.

Driving all today
California adventure(or what ever) tomorrow
Disneyland thursday
downtown disney friday.
leave friday.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dream Boy

Yeah, I finally read it.

and. .
Grimsley can write.

becasue this story was cute and adorable, and frustrating and so freaking sad.. .
but I still loved it.
So much.

Everybody should read it.
only 195 pages.

theres so much I want to say ofthis book. . .
But I cant ruin it for anybody.
So just go read it(:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

well... if his isnt unfortunate. frankly, its bloddy 4 in he mornjng and i cant sleep. well, i came close around 130,but then i had to go let the dog back in because my dad left her out side. then around230 i almost fell aslep again, but of corse my wandering fucking mindd had to just hinkthinkthnkrhinkthink. and, well, i just had ro think abut that topic so here i am now four jn the fickingmor jng whenni have to fckin waje up j. the morning to make a fuckig cale and me happy and. ot pissy and bitch. im so bloody tired but fuck, the fan and dark and paper and dog and anotring and livig room are alm creepg me out. and im typing on an itouch which is never good. never. and i wont bother to go back an fix it cuz this is worthless. so sosososososlsoslsoslsk worthless. inreaaaaal wanna sleep. did i tell you skmethings i sleep wih m eyes open? apperently, like, wide open. and sometimes talk. anwqy.my room in creepin menout now. it he been for a littlw while now. *sigh* oua, also. reasoj why i dn thinks ive been nor will he on computrr for a while. watching doctor who. AFROM THE BEGINNING. or well nothe beginning . but from the ninth doctor. and im alreadynsoemwhere im the beginning of season 3. is is mor an ive writen in a while? i think so but im not ure. ioh and all/ anyway; ilk ty and slep.not realt bui will.

Monday, June 4, 2012

We Need to Talk about Kevin.

Well . . .
Going into this movie I didnt exactly know what to expect. And. . . Well, I didnt think it was going to be very much like that.
It was still good though; the flashing between memories was odd, but cool.
I loved Tilda Swinton and Ezra Millers performances.
I think I might get a bit spoilery now. . .

I . . . I cant really think of what to say about this movie. . .It. . .i dont think I could say anything 'new' about this movie. Except for the fact I am ridiculously happy they didnt show the. . .eye thing. . .because we know they should about every thing else. . .
Um . . .Yeah. . . I suggest that you read this list here first, and then if you believe you can stomach that(i could so. . .), watch it. And. . . I can almost promise you that most of the thoughts you have . . . I was thinking just about the same.

I. . .Sort of wanna put in an imput on the nature/nuture thing. . .but. . .I feel like I shouldnt. . .
But I'll say I think in if Kevin(example) had a parent ridiculously devoted, he could have been . . .less of a violent. .  guy. He probably was a sociopath, So. . .near zero emotion. . .but, he could have been less. . .of a violent mess.
Also I think if Franklin wasnt so. . .delusional, about his sons . . .personality, and what Eva told him, they could have gotten some help. Psychologists and millions of pills. Could have put off or lessened the violence.
Their are also points I heavily believe Eva made mistakes with Kevin. Most memorable one from the movie would be When she finished her room with the maps, and all the stuff from the other places and all, And Kevin just comes in and is all 'its dumb'. He seemed like he just wanted his mothers attention, since she probably spent a huge amount of time on that. She probably could have dealt with that a whole lot better.

Okay so um. . . the Book. I Dont really know if I wanna read it. . .
Mainly just 'cause I asume the . . .sexual scense will be a bit more of. . . an explained or, long lasting(PAAAGES AND PAAGES) thing. . . and its not really what I want in a book curently. . . Especially in a book  like this one is suppose to be.
And . . .Similar thinking with the . . .gorey stuff(hamster, eye, etc.,)
But. . .I think it will explain a bit more with the actual Shooting. . .or. . .event and people in it.
Like, I wanna know, Who exactly was that guy in the wheel chair? Why did he call Eva Mrs.K?(and i mean that relationship way. . .Cause. .yeah)
And was the blonde chick the pretty cunt in the front row?(. . .why. . .I tried to make a sort of. . .snarkish joke and. . .yeah.)
And What is with Kevins clothes?! Why are they soo. . .small/tight?!
. . .I think thats it. . .

EZRA MILLER. HOMIGOSH. thank you somuchmuchmuch direector. writer. whatever deside this boy would be in it and with out shirt. or in super smalll super gay clothing. thankyou. THANKYOU.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I  figured out who those guys were.
Go ahead. Click it.
And listen. . . Just. . .Listen.
Anyway, uhhhh
Dont think I've done much recently. . .
I saw Mary Poppins.
and the most important thing I have to say, is that the 'O' in poppins looked like the Captain America Shield(Red,White,Red, blue center), minus the star. the second most important would be that it was two hours and 45 minutes. . . approximately.
and I usually like musicals.
Also, Me and a friend of mine are looking for volunteer jobs. You know anything good?