Saturday, March 3, 2012

Okay, just sugguesting a few things here.

fics from a few fandoms i'm into :)  (they'll all be from should be completed, unless i say differently.)

Supernatural - (both Dean/Cas)
Second Childhood (by cloudyjenn)
It is written (by sparrowlove)

Bully (neither of these are complete actually, and one is pretty dead. the other updated every now and then.)
Bull and Boar (by INMH {who is the still active author. so this updates ever now and then. its amazing.}) (no actual slash, though I personally pick up some Gary/Petey vibes, but thats probably just cuz i really want to.)
Outdoor Pursuits (by Delicious Poundcake {who is the author whos pretty much fallen off the face of the earth. not even her dA is active.}) (lotsa gaaaay :))

TDA ( i ship Nody. or Coah or NoCo. or what ever people call it. NoahxCody.)
Playing Pretend Just Got a Lot Gayer (by PimpedOutGreenEars){check out some more of this authors stuff too, shes pretty good :)
The Sidelines Just Got Complicated  (By PimpedOutGreenEars) {this is actually a continuation of the previous one, and still in progress. author has recently updated, stating shes not letting it die.)

Bones(actually, I'm not usally that into this fandom, but. . . I just, i dunno, really like this authors stories. . . so... here it goes.)
Hate Crime (by Alli-sun) (eventual Booth/Zach; 9chapters.)
 Collateral Masturbation (by Alli-sun) (. . . the pairing in I can say its slashy, and explicit. . . buuut. . .just read it. lol; itsa one-shot.)

It All Started With a Few Piercings (by Deaths.Last.Prayer) (not completed, updates every now and then, AU, SasuNaru eventually, 5 chapters so far.)
The Father, Son, and boyfriend (by koko-onee-chan) (SasuNaru, 40 cahpters, AU)
Dake'seba'SU (by Dinadearest) (SasuNaru, oneshot,)

Romeo and Juliet ( i ship Mercutio and Benvolio. . .)
Act 2 scene 1 (by MsScarletRice)  (its just a sorta rewrite thingy, so the authors ability with old english isnt really impostant, except for the last two lines  or so, in which she doesnt write them as so.)
Eyes closed and Lips parted (by Evita the Akita) (her old english is VERY good.)
Bbi Ri Bba Bba (by oxytocin)(sooo good. weird personality Ben, and just.... YUM(heeeeh.. sex:3)

Royal Pains
Friendly Crush by Synnerxx

His Probie by shadowdweller25(5 chapters, McNozzo.)

Friends, Family and Feckin' Idiots!(by Tambear) (AU, Lots of sex, more Het than Slash.)

Maximum Ride
Mimicry ( by Akahans) (uh, I guess its Fang/Iggy, but the actual Fic has Gazzy talking to Iggy about a misunderstanding. . . its hilarious.)

Kingdom Hearts
Be My Baby? (by Cattypatra)(akuroku-ish, AU, Short oneshot.hilarious)
Five Acts and a Damn Good Kisser (by abovethenightsky)(AU akuroku, not complete, and pretty much dead. 8 chpters.)
Portal Sex (by ZiggyTheNinja)  (lol. . . demyx/xigbar, AU Short oneshot,)
How my Best friend screwed me over(by Tyson FoxFlame)(AU, incomplete, pretty dead)

Fake it till you make it  (by jaydalee) (onehot, Klaine, sex:)
Pamphlets(by RidgelessRidgeback) (um . . .)

Avater: the last Airbender
Discombobulation (by Alli-sun) (aang/Zuko)
Fortune telling (by alli-sun)(Aang/Zuko, 11 chapters. i love this one.)

BTR (now, wait, WAIT. I'm not really into this show to much or their music, but, of the few episodes I;ve seen at  my cousins house(theres a 9yr old living there) i have decided Kendell and Logan are fuckign each other(: so I ship Kogan. thats it!)
An accidental Kiss (by yoursomeday) (4 cahpters.)
From Here to Texas (by banajo) (in progress. author still updates. Super cutex)! and funny! I dont think this person has a high respect for Carlos though... lmao. they also use the in-show names. . .but w/e.)

Young Justice
First (by: BlendingSkies)  (KF/Robin. pretty freaking awesome.)

lmao... the whole point of this was pretty much now i have a list for myself if i ever wanna go back to them. X)

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