Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger games

gonna go see the midnight showing of it with my friend.
just cuz she invited me though. Cuz honestly Im not that interested in it, but, yeah.

Iv just really interested in the tributes. Cuz i was never able to imagine what they looked like.
 also, I dont like Cinnas actor. But, Hey, his acting better be spoton. other wise, its a terrible choiice. bad.
I dont like Katiss' actor either.
Peetas.... is alright. but. .  not who I would have picked.
talk about it once I get home:)

in the morning. . .

Alright, so.
Pretty good movie.
sets were actually alot better than I thought they were gonna be. Especially in District 12.  the scene in the beginning  were the craft goes over-head Gale and Katniss? Amazing. I dont know why, It just was.
I didnt like that they cut short the cave scenes, and changed like, all the dialog from Katniss finding him to the end. seriously.
Like, when Katniss finds him, and completely cleans him up by that river(that set was  beautiful too!)? and theres all that dialog, and (for me) humor of her being squeamish, and not liek seeing naked people? was cut. I guess for kids maybe or soemthing. but. .. bleeh.
and the caves stuff and connecting and Katniss trying to get stuff from sponcers by being all romantic while also tryin not to really fall for Peeta, was cut short.
Which is sad, because those were the few times Peeta actually seemed cool to me in the first book. When none of it actually involved hunting or staying alive. Because when it came to that he sucked.
Plus the connecting made some of Katniss' feelings seem not so rushed.
They also changed the wolf mutation things. they didnt stand up nor have the eye things. they looked sort of liek dog wolf things but. . .yeah.
also, they cahnged were they got the pin from. Which actually sort of made sence to me, cuz at the beginning it seemed like the author had plans for her, But dropped the character in the other books. so it made sense to change it. ((secret fact: I shipped Gale/Madge. I dont even know why.)
Also, no Avox's. I dont quite remember them, But my friend(she read the book more resently, as where I made sure to not reread it, as not to judge the movie to harshly.) was real upset. I just think they might reintroduce them later.
Finally, Cinna. The actor was alright. But. . . it didnt seem like a . . . friendship he and Katniss were sharing. if you catch my drift.

Over all?
I thought it was a good movie. If they wanted to cut a book up into more than one movie(which I think is the only way they could have stretched the scenes they shortened into the original length) then it could have been better. But, themovie was pretty long as it was, so, not much else you could do.

just a side note: the part in themoovie where I felt like I was gonna fall asleep(remember, Midnight showing - I was already tired) was when Katniss was tripping on Tracker Jacker stings. and shit was exploding every where.. .
Also that scene were she blew up the careers stuff were it was quite and Cato twisted the dudes neck and every one was effected by it and gasping and shit? I didnt get why. I mean they were cutting people open left and right. At least this was clean, no blood, and probably was quick.

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