Friday, March 30, 2012

Ever After (Marianas Trench)

Oh my God, have you listened to it?
In order?!
So beautiful!
Please, go listen to it, and buy (yes, BUY. DO NOT steal  this.... Masterpiece.) it off itunes. please.
Or, tell me were I can actually buy the fricking thing(like, physically.)
I really like  B team, Desperate Measures, Stutter, Truth or Dare, and Toy Soldiers. Others were really great(and better) for their emotion, but these were the ones I can right off remember, mainly for their sound.(But, I love them all for sound in someway:)).
I dont like the video for Fallout. The song is great, but the video. . . just isnt.

Also, started watching United States of Tara. Pretty good :)

and, today I was walking with my cousin, and he asks if I've ever watched Shameless.
and I'm just like. . .. Yeeeeah. . . I'm the one who told you to watch it about a year ago. dumbass.
and hes like.. sshit. yeah. Well its awesome.
me - well, yeah. thats why i told you to watch it..

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