Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stydia, Sterek. and. . . ALOT more Teen Wolf.

I sort of like both. Really.
But the thing is, while I think Sties crushing on Lydia  is the cutest thing ever, and that they could match personalities well, Idont think Lydia would go for it in the long haul. I think she would fall towards Jackson to much(and I'll say it now, yes, I think Lydia/Jackson was a good pair(dotheyhaveafuckingnameomgidontknowitsdfasdfja), and though the time I questioned it, Were times I now want to believe were 'cause he was going a bit batshit and wasnt in complete control.).
So. I really dont think I should be voicing these ideas/opinions because they're stupid, but I'm gonna say it anyway because they've been nagging my mind for  ages. So, here it goes.

If anything I would think Stiles & Lydia might start dating, and then it be going pretty well and shit and they had good times and shit, but eventually maybe come to realize it might not be completely couple-ly like. I sort of think Lydia would be the first to voice this, though Stiles would have known it and have had it nagging at the back of his head and first be a bit sad but, you know be yeah,  and it was a mutual break up and they'd be good friends, and be the best  sarcasm pair ever. And that'd be it. Because, to sum up, while I think its cute, and would totally ship them, I think they'd be better in a friendship. I dont get romantic-y chemistry vibes from it. or sexual vibes. cool-snarky-best-friend-vibes, yeah.
But, again, Lydia and Jackson get chem-and-sex-vibes. totally.

And, this totally does not have to have Sterek in it. But because I'm such a SterekShipper, I need to have it in here. Because that can totally end with Stiles being with Derek. Because while he's with Lydia, Derek can be all questionably irritable and upset, and pushing around Stiles a lot more, and being aggressive with him and shit. and Stiles is all WTF I think we were done with this shit in our 'friendship' 'acquaintance' WTH. (Because, lately, Derek has already stopped most of that in our current episodes. and it's obviously gonna be a while before Lydia gets in a relationship, and hopefully by that time, Derek only roughs Stiles up at appropriate, unquestionable times.) But anyway, eventually, Derek would move on from that and maybe sort of ignoring/avoiding Stiles as best as he can, and Stiles would eventually notice, and try and pass it off as a good thing for a while, and then as if its nothing, but eventually be like Dude, I knew we werent the best of friends but I didn think we hated each other! . . . I was actually thinking we were friends for a bit there? Or what, No 'Big-Bad-Wolf' can be friends for the 'Weak-Little-Human'?! and, I dunno, weather this is before or after Lydia and him end things but, you know if its before, Derek can be all just, you cant understand this alright /rage but if its after it can be all like /angst(ish), /rage, /Suprise-Mother-Fucking-Kiss.

(whycantIwritegoodfics,motherfuckingshit,Iwishicouldwritebecausethiswouldbeafic.Some one write that all for me in a nice super awesome fic. serious. this is Sterek Teen wolf prompt awesomeness. (notreally. butIlike to believe.)

And Ima take this times to say if Sterek does become cannon, i dont want them to dive into it to hard. Like none of what people seem to want. Like hardcore out of the blue Iloveyou's and sex everywhere, and tongues down throat 24/7,
But a slow, coming to realization, angst, drama, UST, Hard Obvious-but-trying-not-to-be Flirting (and bad flirting too. maybe. while we're at it.), and stiles Dad finding out would be great*. But yeah. I mean, age difference and all. . . I mean, I think Stiles and Scott and most the gang has to be at least 16.  I mean, I've never heard of freshmen being Captain's or first string to varsity lacrosse teams. and then Derek . . . birthdays November, 1988. . .So this year he'd be 24. . . 2011(current Cannon time) he'd be 23. . .but right now its. . .March(?), so he's 22 right now. . so its a 6-7 year difference? more on that when we know Stiles' motherfuckng birthday. A part of me sort of wishes that they havent said anything on they're ages yet due to they dont want to muck shit up if they decide to give into fans. but I know thats crazy.

*okay, this is weird, but, I have like this hardcore belief on how hilariously awesome it would be if Stilinski Sr. found out by walking in on them, like, it doesnt even have to be walking in any anything hardcore, but, maybe just standing to close for it not to be questionable(Derek pushing stiles up agenst a wall(OMG even if Sterek doesnt become cannon(which it probably wont but still) that would be hilarious to see. Like Derek pushing Stiles up against his wall in his bedroom just trying to intimating or what ever, but Stilinski Sr. just walks into Stiles room then and sees him and thinks hes walking in on a private moment and freaks out(in a total non-homophobic way... more like omg I just walked in on my son possibly making out with someone. who was a guy. who was mother fucking Derek fucking used to be a possible murderer fucking hale. What.The.FUCK.)And Stiles freaks out cause his dad is freaking out thinking he's gay(butheyatleastsomeonethinkshe'satractivetogayguys) and his dads all like(from the  other side of the door 'cause he totally slammed that shit closed first thing after he saw) Yeah, Stiles, Gonna have to talk to you. After your. . . 3 minutes alright. Bring your. . . (friend?) Derek (fucking) Hale along too. That'd be great. really fucking great.) , or kissing, or what ever small things, But yeah. this was suppose to be a small note. . . till I got to the wall thing. . ./sigh.

and also, while o sterek talk, I hate it when people use the "two people, together, who . . nobody though would ever be together - EVER" "No, I could see that. . ." in sterek videos, 'cause it hits me right in the feels. NOT sterek feels. Stydia feels, and my own feels, and oh my God, feels. And it throws the sterek feel off. I dont like it.

Why do the het ship names (like Scallison and Stydia) sound like diseases? seriously. No wonder few amounts  of people go crazy over shipping them. I mean seriously.

Reason I dont Ship Stiles/Erica: During all the few times that could have been them, I thought it was cause Derek told the kids pack to get close to them. And she thought you know. Friends with the know it all could be useful as fuck. How do I, sexually-revamped-Erica get close to the highschool-Boy-who-it-seems-no-one-finds-attractive(inshow)? lets say I got major crushes. and talk Batman. but talking batman is always cool.
also. Isaac/Erica. <-----------------------------------------------------------yes.

just. . .
Isaac . . . Lahey.
just. . .
Just you.

I've been humming/singing Ludo's Love Me Dead all the way through this. because of this Lydia&Peter Vid. OMG. great song

alsoalsoalso, Listen/View/jackoff to this. because givahjdsvnaldvd the song, the editing, the pairing the motherfuckingfuckbucketsoffuckmmmmmmmfh.yeeessssss.

Oh, and also, I really fucking want to download the Jarek&Jamie you know;) but I fiercely dont want to risk the virus'. . . .the temptation.

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